Coming Soon

  • Doing so well with the new year.

    Well, not really. On Monday, I had to work late, and my advisor indicated that I should start getting things going about being out there for the market (Social Media)to know about. So, I started setting up these parts of my online presence. Who knew that would take so much time to do? Well, apparently, others do it all the time 😀
    I had already set aside on Tuesday to see the new Nosferatu movie. This is going to sound bad, but I don’t mean it that way, and you would think, as a writer, I would be able to change that, but the idea of it sounding bad is what I want to read into that what you will. I am not a fan of Artsy Horror. That is not a very good descriptor. I didn’t like the movie VVITCH, so I didn’t go into this one with high hopes. Man, was I wrong? It was great.

    I highly recommend it.

    Today, Wednesday the 8th, I finally have time to sit with Jeremiah and work. I am looking forward to it. I took a holiday break, and this feels like a fresh start. I know no one knows my story yet, and this is like spoilers, but I like the idea of this form to be able to think and express. Even in school, I was never much of a diary person. The teachers called it journaling, and you had to do one each day. That was never for me. Finally, at 55, I can see what it would have been good for.

    Alison is feeling like she is going out of her mind, even before the death of her husband. The move and funnel have taken their toll on her mental state. Today I get to explore what that is like and the external influences on her state.

    I love movie quotes. I also know I sometimes misinterpret them and incorporate them into my life incorrectly, but it takes me a while to notice this. Like this one, I am about to end today. It is a lousy mashup between Poltergeist (the original) and Bill Murray’s character from Ghostbusters.

    “What side of the rainbow are we working to night Dr. Venkman.”

    Good night

  • Hello world!

    My name is Mark Alan; well, that is my pen name. Over the next few months, I am finalizing my first Novel. I have been looking forward to doing this for a long time, on July 23rd, 2025. I will release the first in a series of books thirteen books. Jeremiah.

    I am not so young have three children and live in Colorado. I am Dyslexic or Lesdyxic as I like to call it. I am not making fun of the issue, just my way of making fun of my self. I have used that as an excuse to not do this for so very long. I have decided that is long enough. There are other people in the world with the same issue, they have not let it slow them down and there are new tools out there to help me get the story out there.

    I will not lie I am going to use those tools. I will tell you that the words and the story’s are mine. the tools just let me get them out of my brain and in to your hands.

    I have been and likely will be for a long time a fan of horror, not gruesome horror that has bodies every which way and that. Not that doesn’t have its place and time. Just the idea of something out there your imagination can’t let go of. That may or may not be real. At that time it has a hold of you, it is a real as your Mothers love, or as real as your mates caress.

    Fantasy plays it’s part as well. Something that pushed the limits of what you think is real. I feel they go hand in hand. At least until the real monsters come at you from your safe place and home.

    More to come. Stay tuned.